Marcy Finds a Community of Support to Succeed In School

*Student’s name has been changed for privacy.

Marcy is a sophomore student at The Colony High School who has frequently missed classes and struggled to regulate her emotions. She was referred to CISNT by the school counselor, and met Ms. Mallory Pence, the CIS Site Coordinator at The Colony High School. Marcy was very reserved, and did not feel comfortable communicating her feelings.

Ms. Pence built a one-to-one relationship with Marcy, and was able to learn how to support her specific needs. Marcy mentioned that Biology is a particularly challenging subject and that she had to retake the class. Ms. Pence implemented weekly grade check-ins with Marcy, where they worked on challenging homework assignments and tasks that Marcy needed help with. In addition to visiting Ms. Pence at the CIS office, Marcy also attends afterschool tutoring when she needs additional support in her schoolwork. As a result, Marcy has improved in Biology, where she has raised her grade by 20 points. Marcy has learned to focus better in her classes, while also taking care of other responsibilities.

Ms. Pence referred Marcy to Ms. Samantha Lott, CISNT Mental Health Coordinator, to learn self-regulation skills. Ms. Pence and Ms. Lott worked with Marcy on how to be conscious of her actions and how to ask for emotional support when needed. In situations where she feels frustrated and angry, Marcy has been able to use self-regulation skills to calm down and express her emotions in a healthy manner. Marcy also knows that she is able to utilize self-regulation tools found in the CIS office, such as coloring books and fidget toys, to decompress.

Despite new challenges, Marcy has shown immense improvement throughout the school year. Marcy has improved in her behavior, including missing class less and finding healthier ways to cope and express her emotions, such as practicing mindfulness and reaching out for emotional support from her teachers and CISNT. In fact, one of her teachers shared, “She seems more open to communicating her feelings, needs, and emotions, and overall her coping is a lot better.” Marcy has also been able to improve her grades and enjoy her favorite activities.

Marcy has shown great resilience and worked hard to become a brilliant student. Ms. Pence shares, “Marcy has made a huge improvement in her self-awareness emotionally. She has been able to identify and use coping skills…when she is overwhelmed or angry. Seeing the growth this student has made in the short amount of time I’ve known her brings tears to my eyes. I’m so proud of her resilience in wanting to better herself.”

With a Community of Support from CISNT and The Colony High School staff and administration, Marcy had been able to receive the support and resources needed to overcome barriers to success in school. CISNT is proud of the progress Marcy has made, and we look forward to her successes throughout her time at The Colony High School!