Maturing in the CIS Afterschool Program

Nimish, a 5th grader at Evers Park Elementary in Denton, TX, has been in the Communities In Schools of North Texas Afterschool Centers on Education (ACE) program since he was in 3rd grade. The CISNT ACE program is an afterschool academic enrichment program that provides a safe place for students to be after the school day to get homework help, academic enrichment, and fun club activities. Coach Oyin and Coach Nate have had the pleasure of working with him for two years.

Nimish has improved so much since he first started. In the past he struggled with behavior, but he has matured greatly. He is caring to other students. Even though sometimes he may make a mistake, he learns from it and tries to do better.

Coach Nate has this to say about Nimish: “At first, Nimish used to be quiet and reserved and kept to himself. However, as he has stuck with the ACE family, I have seen his growth in opening up and helping others. I can say this because I have been his teacher for two years now, and it has been an absolute blessing to see this young man flourish. Time will tell what greatness he will achieve in his life, but based on his growth in the classroom afterschool, I can only imagine it to be nothing short of marvelous.”

Nimish consistently attends ACE and never leaves early. He and his family attend as many events as they can with his younger sibling whom Nimish cares for deeply and includes in his activities.

It has been a pleasure getting to know Nimish this past year. We will be sad to see him go off to middle school next year but wish him the best of luck. The CIS ACE team at Evers Park Elementary know he will do amazing things as he is a smart kid with a ton of potential!