Mike Is On a Path to a Brighter Future!

Student’s name has been changed for privacy.

Mike is a 3rd grade student who is in his first year at the ACE program at Hodge Elementary in Denton ISD. At the beginning of the year, Mike struggled to regulate his emotions and make the right decisions. He was disruptive and distracted from his classes, which reflected negatively on his grades. Ms. N’Kima Browning, the ACE Site Coordinator, and the ACE afterschool staff worked with him to address his needs.

Because Mike had trouble expressing his emotions, he needed to find a strategy to become confident and improve his communication skills with others. CISNT provided Mike with a “calm corner,” which served as a safe space to learn and grow to express himself and display his feelings in a positive manner. In the calm corner, Mike is able to participate in many fun mindfulness activities, such as using fidget toys and doing grounding activities using the five senses. 

 Ms. Browning built a healthy one-to-one relationship with Mike to learn about the challenges he experienced in the classroom. Participating in ACE helped Mike stay focused in his classes and finish assignments on time and accurately.  Mike also learned how to make wise choices that will not only positively influence him, but also promote a supportive school environment for everyone. 

 While in the ACE program, Mike has been going above and beyond with his discipline and determination. Mike has been chosen in multiple class roles, such as an Assistant Coach, where he is responsible for assisting the ACE teacher with any daily task they may need. In this role, Mike has been able to develop marketable skills to use upon graduation, such as leadership and perseverance. Currently, Mike participates in GOAL, an afterschool soccer club in Hodge Elementary. He enjoys going to practice every Tuesday and Friday. With his soccer club, he learns to communicate and respect his teammates, while also passing his classes. Mike is eager to make friends and develop more skills throughout the rest of the year.

 After weeks of hard work, Mike learned to express his emotions and improved his behavior, leading to a reduction of referrals and appreciation from his teachers. Mike mentions, “ACE has helped with my behavior eighty million percent!” He is a continuous learner and is motivated to succeed in school, especially with his community of support that surrounds him.

When a student has a safe place and a healthy one-on-one with a caring adult, they learn new skills and utilize any opportunities to become successful. Throughout Mike’s time in ACE, he has made amazing improvements in his behavior! CISNT knows that Mike is on the right track towards a brighter future by continuing to be an excellent role model to his classmates and his school community!