PRESS RELEASE : Dana Smith resigns as CEO of Communities In Schools of North Texas


Lewisville, TX, January 20, 2016 – The Executive Board of Communities In Schools of North Texas (CISNT) announces search for new CEO.

Dana Smith, the current CEO for CISNT, announced at the beginning of January to her Board of Directors and staff she has been recruited to work with Communities In Schools National office as a Regional Director of Operations. She has worked with CISNT for nearly 11 years in a variety of capacities, most recently working for nearly 5 years as the Chief Executive.

During her tenure as CEO, the agency saw over 300% growth in funding and programming, serving over 5,000 students at-risk of dropping out in Denton and Wise counties. Kathy Duke, CISNT Board President notes, “Dana’s leadership has helped grow the organization to unprecedented levels of community support and involvement. We are proud of Dana’s accomplishments and wish her the best in all her future endeavors.”

“It will be sad to leave so many wonderful coworkers and partners,” Dana said, “but I am confident getting to work with the CIS National office will only allow me to support our local affiliate in new ways. I will always be a supporter of CISNT and am honored I have been given the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of so many. I fully intend to continue to volunteer with the agency.” Although Dana will be transitioning positions she will remain local with her family.

The Executive Board plans to do a full search for the right candidate to replace Dana and hopes to have the position filled by May 1, 2016. During the search the Executive Board has named Brian McCauley, current COO, as the interim CEO for the organization.

For more information on the position or to apply please go to