Relationships Continue to Thrive as Mentoring Goes Virtual

Supervising mentoring interactions quickly became a bright spot in my telework this month! From heartfelt email exchanges to phone and video calls, I got to see the mentor-mentee relationship up close in a way that I typically don’t from across the library or my office. During these calls, students start out a little bit hesitant… this way of communicating is new for them and feels different! But slowly they begin to open up, and suddenly all of those small pieces of the relationships that have been built over the year (or years!) begins to shine. They might not be together in person, but their mentor still remembers to ask about the book they were reading before break, or if they are getting along with their brothers and sisters. They may even get to see the dog that the student talked about every week. They still listen to fears and hopes.

During this time when the adults kids live with are feeling stressed, having a familiar voice on the line that is there to focus solely on them for a few moments makes a huge impact. I knew, in my head, that it would, but seeing it happen in person, I felt it with my heart. So, thank you to parents for helping coordinate these times and to mentors for continuing to show up for students during this uncertain time. Relationships matter, now maybe more than ever.