Site Coordinators Reflect On Year of Challenges and Triumphs

The 2020-2021 school year is officially coming to an end across North Texas, and what a year it was! From hybrid teaching models, to COVID-19 precautions, to severe winter storms, our campus staff, Site Coordinators, and students tackled multiple, unique challenges head-on. This month, our Site Coordinators reflected on these challenges and on the strength and accomplishments of teachers, students, and families during a turbulent year. 

Alison Hosack, CIS Site Coordinator at Borman Elementary, praised the incredible teachers on her campus who worked to deliver hybrid learning models for students.

“Teachers and staff taught connected learners and in person learners simultaneously,” says Ms. Hosack. “And I want you to know that I saw your long hours and hard work to make sure every single student received the absolute best levels of instruction and felt like a valued part of your classroom.”

We couldn’t agree more! Teachers and campus staff went above and beyond to serve students this year, and CISNT thanks them for their hard work, and for supporting the work that our Site Coordinators do.

Kristen Shelton, CIS Site Coordinator at McMath Middle School, commented on the resilience of her CIS students and families through the school year. 

“From the pandemic to the most insane winter storm North Texas has seen, the CIS students and families demonstrated some of the most amazing resilience and determination I have ever seen,” says Ms. Shelton. “I cannot express enough how endlessly proud I am of our students and their growth this year. We are so excited to see what they accomplish next school year and what amazing people they will continue to grow into.”

Our students and families have truly shown what it means to be resilient this year, and their accomplishments have not gone unnoticed! CISNT is proud of our students and families for putting their best foot forward during a year of uncertainty. 

Valeria Corrales, CIS Site Coordinator at Bridgeport High School, reflected on how much she enjoyed the year at BHS, and the joy that her students brought to her days.

“Meeting the kids here has been such a huge blessing,” says Ms. Corrales. “I loved seeing them grow and develop throughout the year. They did rely on CIS for tough times, but little did they know that catching up with them and seeing them smile helped me through tough days as well.”

Ms. Corrales also had kind and encouraging words for her graduating seniors:

“Throughout this year, I got to meet and work with some amazing seniors. Whether it was working on FAFSA or just popping in to say hi, I enjoyed every minute I had with them. All of the seniors I saw this year were exceptional and they are capable of doing anything they set their minds to. I cannot wait to see where life takes them and what career paths they choose. Whatever they do, I know they will succeed.”

Working with our amazing seniors this year has been a huge honor, and we are so excited to see the things that our graduates will accomplish as they embark on the next chapter of their journeys! 

CISNT thanks our Site Coordinators, students, teachers, and families for coming together to make this school year a success. We also want to extend a huge CONGRATULATIONS to our graduates, who made the most of this year in pursuit of their goals! 

Love reading about the awesome things happening at CISNT? Be sure to check out the CISNT Blog for any stories you might’ve missed over the school year. Visit the official CISNT website to explore ways to get involved, including employment, volunteer opportunities, and events.

Thank you for being #AllInForKids!